Shedding Layers to Know Thyself

As driven entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves striving for success, yet struggling to find peace. Our journey isn’t just about outer world achievements but also about going inward and shedding the layers that conceal our True Selves. 

The Process of Shedding

Shedding layers is a continual process of expansion and contraction. It’s peeling back the layers that have built up over time—our defenses, our habits, our fears. As Pema Chodron beautifully puts it, “Becoming clear involves shedding, not collecting. It’s a continual process of opening and surrender, like taking off layer after layer of clothes, until we’re completely naked with nothing to hide.” Genuine surrender isn’t about putting on a show; it’s about authentic, lasting change.

Embracing Vulnerability

Embracing vulnerability is both challenging and healing. It requires us to confront all the ways we shut down, deny, and criticize. Once you begin to shed layers and see yourself more clearly, Chodron reminds us that “it is embarrassing and painful, but very healing to stop hiding from yourself.” Knowing these parts of ourselves with humor and kindness helps us understand our shared humanity.

Your True Self Is In There

Coming to know yourself deeply is a journey towards inner peace and entrepreneurial freedom. It’s time that you recognize and embrace all aspects of who you are. It’s so freeing. Taking off that suit of armor. Imagine, running a race with a suit of armor on or shorts and a t-shirt, which is easier? This self-awareness allows you to live more authentically and make decisions from a place of love -> heart, not fear -> ego. Making decisions from your heart brings inner peace and, you might be surprised to learn, your outer world will thrive as well. 

Journaling Prompts:

  • Reflect on a recent experience where you felt the need to put up a defense. What layer were you hiding behind? How can you begin to peel that layer away?

  • Consider a time when you felt embarrassed or criticized yourself. How can you view this moment with kindness and humor? What did it teach you about your human experience?

  • What does being your True Self mean to you? How can shedding layers and embracing vulnerability help you live more authentically?

As you continue this journey, remember that we are all in this together, facing similar challenges and triumphs. Embrace each step with compassion for yourself and others.

“There will be a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”

-Louis L’Amour

Our next Group Coaching Program starts on September 16th. During our 10-session program, you will learn to deepen your understanding of yourself and, with that knowledge, how to protect your boundaries to free your True Self and ultimately Shine. 


What Inner Peace Looks Like For Me


See It Before You Create It