Letting Go

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You carry a great deal of responsibility—both to others and to yourself. Many entrepreneurs like you know how to drive, how to push forward, and how to achieve results. But do you know how to let go? Letting go is more than just relinquishing control; it is about emotional and spiritual growth, both of which are necessary if you are to align with your True Self and experience freedom. And when you are not aligned with your True Self, your growth—personally and professionally—will get stuck.

Emotional Growth: The Heart of Letting Go

David Hawkins is a renowned psychiatrist, clinician, spiritual teacher, and researcher of consciousness and author of the book, Letting Go. Gino and I are fond of this book, which emphasizes how emotional blocks like fear, guilt, and anger hold you back in your life. These emotional barriers cloud your ability to see clearly and solve problems effectively. When you’re able to let go of these negative emotions, you unlock deeper psychological growth. This kind of growth clears the path to making better decisions, finding clarity in uncertain times, and taking meaningful risks that align with your True Self. When you let go of your limiting beliefs, you gain the freedom to lead with authenticity.

Hawkins shares a story of a successful man who struggled with dancing freely because of feelings of inadequacy and self-consciousness. After working on letting go, he was able to dance—and this shift impacted not only his dance moves but also other areas of his life. Imagine that level of freedom in your own life. What areas of your life feel “stiff” or controlled? Where could you benefit from releasing the fear of failure or judgment?

Journaling prompt:

Reflect on a time when you felt limited by a belief or emotion in your business. How did it affect your decision-making? What could have changed if you had let go of that belief or emotion earlier?

Letting Go in Decision-Making

As a leader, you are making ten times more decisions than most people. With that in mind, have you considered how much your emotions influence your decisions? Hawkins suggests that instead of searching for solutions, you should focus on letting go of the emotions that create the questions in the first place. The answers will come with clarity once you release the underlying fears, doubts, or guilt that cloud your judgment.

For example, I was recently asked to give a talk and while it seemed straightforward, the logistics made it stressful. After much contemplation, I realized I felt obligated to go because of guilt. It was a friend I didn’t want to let down. Once I let go of that emotion, the answer came clearly: it didn’t make sense for me to do it and I said no (with grace of course!). 

The same can apply to you. Instead of rushing into decisions clouded by anxiety, slow down. Let go of the need to control every outcome. Trust that by letting go, the right decision will surface when you allow space for your intuition to guide you.

Journaling prompt:

Reflect on a recent business challenge. What were the underlying emotions affecting your approach? How might letting go of those emotions have changed your decision-making process?

Embracing Letting Go

Letting go is about living a life aligned with your True Self. When you release negative emotions like fear, anger, and pride, you move into a state of courage and love, as Hawkins explains. This shift doesn’t just happen in your business; it will affect every area of your life, from relationships to personal growth.

When you let go of these emotions, you begin living from a place of inner peace rather than obligation. The creativity, fulfillment, and success that you crave are much more accessible when you’re no longer driven by fear of failure or the need for control. This creates a ripple effect in all areas of your life, empowering not only yourself but those around you.

Journaling prompt:

Think about how your life currently reflects your True Self. Are there areas where you are holding on to old beliefs or practices that no longer serve you? How can you let go to create a life that is more aligned with your True Self?

Open Yourself to New Possibilities

As entrepreneurs and leaders, you’re wired to hold on tightly to your goals, push through challenges, and never give up. While resilience is a strength, it’s important to know when to let go—when holding on is doing more harm than good. Letting go opens you up to greater emotional freedom, new opportunities, and a deeper connection to your True Self.

“Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to rather than opposing the flow of life.” – Eckhart Tolle

As you move through your week, I encourage you to reflect on an area of your life where you feel stuck. What would it look like to let go in that area, and how might this change your experience?

Our next Group Coaching Program starts on January 13th. During our 10-session program, you will learn to deepen your understanding of yourself and, with that knowledge, how to protect your boundaries to free your True Self and ultimately Shine. 

I encourage you to take our True Self Assessment to learn how strong your foundation is.  
