Solving All the Problems: The Art of Letting Go

As a driven entrepreneur, helping to solve problems might feel like your superpower. You’re the go-to person, the helper, the fixer, and the one who makes things right. It’s part of what you believe makes you successful and it fuels your energy. I wonder, do you ever stop to ask yourself: Why am I helping to solve this problem? What drives me to fix everything?

Are You the Help or the Helper?

When you help and solve a problem for someone, do you do it because your way is the right way? Help comes from either a place of genuine service or is driven by your ego. Genuine service is helping to empower a person to solve their problem. But, when your ego steps in to help, you might feel a subtle need to control the outcome, to be recognized, or to hold on to your identity. 

The Gift of Allowing Others to Solve

When you help solve problems for others, you are unintentionally taking away their opportunity to grow. Help is an act of service and it’s not always an act of service to take away someone’s struggle. True service lies in holding space for others to find their own solutions. This takes patience. 

Consider this: helping someone to solve their own problems is the greater gift. It empowers them to grow, to learn, and to trust themselves. And it frees you from carrying the weight of solving everything.

When you become the help, not the helper, who’s actually getting helped becomes the question! 

Three-Minute Journaling Prompt:

Write about a time when you helped solve a problem for someone else. What motivated you? Was it truly about service, or was there a part of you that needed to be the solver? How might you have approached it differently?

Final Thought:

As you go about your week, remember this: When you let go of ego and attachment, you free yourself to act from a place of pure service, and you empower others to do the same.

Act without expectation.” – Lao Tzu

The 10 Disciplines:

The next Group Coaching Program starts on April 14th. During the 10-session program, you will learn to deepen your understanding of yourself and, with that knowledge, how to protect your boundaries to free your True Self and ultimately Shine. 

I encourage you to take the True Self Assessment to learn how strong your foundation is.  

Follow the 10 Disciplines


The Power of Awareness: Mastering Your Internal Compass


The Strength in Vulnerability: Why Leaders Must Drop the Mask