How To Discern Fear-Based Decisions


As a driven entrepreneur, you make more decisions than the average person. Those decisions may also feel as if they have more weight than decisions others around you are making. I talk about love vs fear based decisions often, because it’s such a powerful way to shift every aspect of your life.

In your relationships, you’ll be able to listen to the other person better so you can clearly hear their side. In business, you’ll more quickly know the right direction, even when the right answer feels incredibly challenging.

Recognizing when fear is influencing your decisions is the first step to overcoming it. One powerful tool I use is paying attention to my body. Does my body feel tight and tense? I’m likely in a place of fear, and need to shift to a more mindful approach before making the next decision.

Love-based decisions feel calm and clear. They will align with your values and 10-Year Vision. They are rooted in purpose and authenticity. You may even be able to feel a deep sense of knowing. There’s a sense of clarity and peace that comes with decisions made from this space, even if the decision is difficult.

Fear-based decisions are often accompanied by a sense of urgency and chaos. You might feel pressured to make a decision quickly to avoid discomfort or danger. You may also be afraid of losing something or missing out, leading you to make choices that don’t truly serve you long-term. If it’s scarcity based, you know it’s fear.

Other ways to know if you’re in a place of fear based decisions include:

  • If you find yourself avoiding certain situations or decisions, it could be because you’re afraid of the possible outcomes. Avoidance can manifest in procrastination, staying in your comfort zone, or making excuses to not take action.
  • Fear often comes with a barrage of negative thoughts. You might tell yourself that you’re not good enough, that you’ll fail, or that something bad will happen if you take a certain action.
  • Decisions driven by fear often lead to heightened levels of anxiety and stress. You might feel a constant sense of unease or worry about the “what ifs.”

Gino talks about taking a pause, being able to check in with your body and ensure that you are responding instead of reacting. If your decision is happening too quickly, that can be an indicator of being rooted in fear.

Another practice you can rely on is the Mindful Decision Making process. Use it for all major decisions for even just one week and note what difference is made in your life.

Journal prompts (3 minutes each)

  1. When making decisions, what signs or bodily sensations do you notice? Do they suggest you’re being driven by love (expansiveness, lightness) or fear (tightness, tension)?
  2. Think of a decision that you’ve been putting off. What fears are causing you to hesitate? How could a more mindful approach change your perspective on this choice?

Take the pause. Tune into your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations to gain insight into what is driving your decisions. Allow each and every one of your decisions to lead you closer to your 10-Year Vision.

If you feel like you could use support making the shift to consistent love-based decisions, join us in the next round of The 10 Disciplines Group Coaching Program. We’ll help you create the framework in your life that leads to consistently being the calm in the storm, and making the decisions that align best with your longterm goals and vision.
