True Self Mastermind

Shed Your Shit and Free Your True Self.
Experience Greater Impact and Peace. Continue Your Mastery Of The 10 Disciplines.
Begin to Shine.


Gain Mastery in Personal and Business Development

Manage Your Drive

Use your drive in the most healthy ways to accomplish everything on your vision and experience greater peace.

Increase Mastery of The 10 Disciplines

Continue strengthening your foundation with the 10 Disciplines, and implementing them in all areas of life.

Become a Better Leader

Make clearer and stronger decisions that better serve your business, team, and peers.

Unlock True Entrepreneurial Freedom

Uncover and understand what within you is preventing your light from shining.

The Next Natural Step: The True Self Mastermind

You’ve graduated from The 10 Disciplines Self Study or Group Coaching Program.

You have a strong foundation in place, but how do you stay on track? You can’t move into mastery by doing it alone. The answer is surrounding yourself with like-minded peers on the same journey, who can hold you accountable, and help you grow.

Led by Gino Wickman and Rob Dube, these sessions move you from the stages of truly understanding yourself, and protecting yourself (the 10 Disciplines) into beginning the journey of discovering and freeing your True Self, while unlocking your true entrepreneurial freedom. 

The True Self Mastermind is the coming together of remarkable, like-minded souls to share experiences and shed layers to help each other to make a greater impact and have more peace in their lives. 

This 12-month membership will allow you to form new relationships, networks, and communities with peers who are traveling the same journey as you.

What's Included?

Twelve Monthly 90 Minute Live sessions 

We meet monthly on Zoom to to reinforce the disciplines, share experiences, shed layers, and help you continue to move towards freeing your True Self. 

Monthly Experiences to Free Your True Self

Each month you’ll be led through experiences and exercises that help you become your most authentic self at all times. 

Special Guest Speakers During Gino’s Sabbaticals 

In the past we’ve been joined by guests such as Dr. Doug Brackmann, author of the book Driven

Fast Paced, Experiential Working Sessions

Everything we create is especially designed for the busy driven entrepreneur. You don’t want homework – you want results. 

Exclusive Access to Gino Wickman and Rob Dube

Ten out of twelve sessions are led by Gino Wickman, with exclusive content being shared. Both Gino and Rob guide your journey, provide feedback, and hold the space for you in this community. 

Connective Community of Driven Entrepreneurs

Develop relationships and network with like-minded entrepreneurs who are in a similar outer world space, and also committed to mastering their inner world. 

Deep (and Fun) Thinking and Sharing 

The inner world journey can be heavy. We help you do it in a way that creates monumental results in your life, while also feeling a deep sense of peace.

Continued Accountability Implementing The 10 Disciplines

Stay focused on implementing the disciplines into all areas of your life, business, and relationships. 

In addition…

  • Each session is recorded, and you’ll have full access to the recordings for a year.
  • You’ll be among the first to have access to new content from Gino Wickman.
  • This intimate space is available to graduates of the 10 Disciplines Self-Study, or Group Coaching Program only

What True Self Mastermind Members Say:

What each session looks like:

How do we help you create results?

Each session is carefully constructed to help you gain results in the moment. Every 90 minute session follows this process, so we can be sure you’ll gain results without having to take additional time from your life. 


Get guidance and support with where you are, right now, in life and business

Discipline Reinforcement

Continue to build off the foundation you've already implemented, and be held accountable by peers

Inner Mastery Riffs led by Gino Wickman

Hear new content before before anyone else, and begin to put them into motion in a simple way

Experience Facilitated by Rob Dube

Integrate your new knowledge live, so you can walk away with the first steps already in action

Wrap Up

Leave every session with your next steps planned out


All sessions take place at 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, Eastern Time

Available to graduates of The 10 Disciplines Self-Study or Group Coaching Program only.

July 16, 2024

August 6, 2024

Guest Speaker: Daniel White,
Creator of Power Clearings

September 10, 2024​​

October 15th, 2024

November 12, 2024

December 10th, 2024

January 21st, 2025

February 11th, 2025

March 11th, 2025

April 15th, 2025

May 13th, 2025

June 10th, 2025

About Your Guides

Gino Wickman

An entrepreneur since the age of 21, Gino has had an obsession for learning what makes businesses and entrepreneurs thrive. He created the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), a practical method for helping companies achieve greatness – used by over 250,000 companies worldwide. He has personally delivered more than 2,000 full-day sessions for more than 135 companies, helping them implement EOS. He is also the author of the award-winning, best-selling book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, which has sold more than 1 million copies, as well as five other books in the Traction Library that have sold nearly 3 million copies.

Gino has spent decades working with entrepreneurs by helping them master their outside world. Now he is excited to share the teachings and tools he’s learned to begin mastering his inner world.

Rob Dube

For over 30 years, Rob has been thriving as a purpose-driven entrepreneur. He is the co-Founder of imageOne which has won dozens of awards for its people-first and purpose-driven culture. Rob is also the author of donothing: the Most Rewarding Leadership Journey You Will Ever Take, the host of the Leading with Genuine Care podcast, and host of the Do Nothing Leadership Retreat in Colorado.

Mastering the 10 Disciplines provided Rob the space in his life to create a succession plan that included bringing in a CEO to run imageOne, giving him the freedom to focus on making a greater impact in the world by helping entrepreneurs free their True Self.


In case you were wondering...
The group coaching sets you up to begin your inner world journey, and to create the space of mind for you to move forward. Now that you have a solid foundation, you can truly put focus on freeing your True Self, and showing up as your best self.

We’re careful about the energy and fit of each person who comes into the mastermind. If you’re driven, open minded, and ready to put focus on your inner world journey, you’re in the right place.

If you have any questions about if you’re a fit, please feel free to reach out.

All sessions are recorded in case you have to miss a round. Extremely important recaps are also included with the replay announcement. We understand you’re busy, and we’re structured to support that.

We’ve especially designed everything we do to ensure you’re getting what you need for our sessions. At each session, we ask you to rate your experience, and if there’s anything else that could have served you better.

Our sessions continuously average between 9.5-10 from all participants, and we’re committed to keep our experience high value for you.

Shed the layers that hold you back from your True Self.