Is letting go possible for you now?

Is letting go possible for the driven entrepreneur at every stage?

As a driven entrepreneur, there’s plenty of words you might use to describe your life. We’ve found that peace isn’t typically one of the top words that first comes to mind.

How could it be? Your life is constantly moving forward. There’s always questions to be answered, problems to be solved, the next idea to be dreamed. Most of your time may be focused on your outer world, and your relentless commitment to success. 

That part of you is never going to change. You’re always going to be looking ahead. We are too. (You might recognize one of the disciplines in that statement!) 

Being driven doesn’t have to separate you from true fulfillment, or peace though. In fact, discovering peace as we speak about it allows you to harness your drive even more. 

There’s a question that comes up often for Gino and myself. Can you discover peace at any stage of your life? Do you have to master your outer world success before you find peace? 

Or as someone asked in Gino’s last talk, do you have to the ring the bell at the top of the mountain before you can truly discover peace? 

Gino and I discovered that you can be driven and have peace later in our journey, but we feel strongly that it’s beneficial at any stage of your journey. It may look different for you than it did for me. It will look different for every entrepreneur. 

Finding your own version of peace allows you to do more, and feel better doing it. 

It allows you to be a better leader. You can interject that pause before you make decisions, trusting that they’re coming truly from your true self, instead of making a fear based decision

It allows you to be more present for everyone in your life, from your team, to your employees, to your family members. 

It allows you to feel secure to step away and refuel yourself, so you’re charged to make even more decisions.

This is why we say being driven and having peace can help you go from 10x to 100x. 10x is the natural state of a driven entrepreneur. Being driven and having peace allows you to live and create from a state of Flowt™

You’re driven. There’s always going to be a next step, another idea, or a milestone that calls to you. 

There’s always going to be the feeling that you could do more. Discovering how to harness that while having peace is essential at any stage of your outer world journey. The benefits you receive will only help you continue to strive forward with your vision and successes. 

Being driven and having peace is a choice. You get to choose if you’re ready for that journey. 
